Monday, April 2, 2012

The Passion Of Christ

Tonight was the first time that I saw The Passion for this Lent. Every time I see it, my emotions get the best of me. Growing up I new that Christ went through a lot for us, but I didn't know how much that was until I saw the movie. Seeing something that is taken from what actually happened in real life puts it all into perspective. Christ DIED for all of us! He loves us all, even when we sin. The one thing that I love about watching the movie is watching it with amazing friends who feel the exact same way you do. I could not tell you, out of two times that I've seen the movie with friends, who wasn't emotional. They understand and will be crying right there with you because they know what Christ did for them too.
This song is amazing! The pictures and other videos are from the movie. I could not imagine what Mary went through when her Son died. Just remember that Christ died for you and me so that we can live!