Monday, December 12, 2011

Consecration to Mary

This is my very first post and it will tell you about the nine days leading up to a glorious day in my life.

Day 1- I am doing something that I have been thinking about since January. Only a handful of people know what I am doing and I am not going to say until I am done. Today I was thinking about the past two years and all of the people that I have meet. Everyone has helped me become a better person and I thank you for that.

Day 2- I am reminded how much I am loved. They love me for me and not for who I wish I was. Also that I have many moms. A mom is someone who cares and loves you no matter what. The best mom in the world is Mary. Mary is the person you can go to if you have stuff on your mind and she will help you get through them.

Day 3- Going on from yesterday, Mary is our Heavenly Mother. Since she cannot be physically present in each one of our lives she lives in our earthly mothers. Our earthly mothers are a representation of Mary. Isn't cool that Mary is in our mothers. We need to love and respect our mothers because in a way they are Mary. Also Christmas is coming up. It is not about the presents, it is about what happened on the special day, when Christ was born. He came down from Heaven to save us all.

Day 4- I think today I am just going to use a quote that I read. "Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for you people Israel." Luke 2:29-32

Day 5- "letting go" This phrase can mean a lot of different things. Letting go of something bad that happened to you, letting go of a loved one how passed away, and letting go of what you did in the past. Mary had to let go of Her Son so that He could save us. She knew that He had to go after finding Him in the temple with the teachers. So let go of the past because you are in the present not the past.
Day 6- Signs! Signs are a big part of my life. They let me know that things are okay. The first one is a rainbow. Some of you may remember last year on TEC 124 on Sunday what that day was like. For others if you want to know about it talk to me later. Rainbows for me means that everything is going to be okay even under awful circumstances. Rainbows is also a covenant between God and man, that He w...ill never flood the Earth again. Another sign is just the word "Everything." For me that means that God is my Everything and I don't need anything else. Last one is two words that make me happy and sad at the same time. These two words are love and beautiful. They were the last two things that my mom said to me. They also lead to me to the wonderful sisterhood of Chi Omega. There are alot of signs in the world, you have to watch/listen to the right ones for you.

Day 7- Today I remember Steubenville 2009, On Saturday night during adoration. I can remember the security gurads asking us to split into two sections and our sponsors were telling them no. We find out later that Father Jarrod Lies is the one who gets to carry the monsterance through the arena and walking right in between our group. What a special thing that was to witness. Jesus was right in front of us being carried by one of our priests from Wichita. I was sitting with my friends and we were all crying and it was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I can't wait until I am 21 to be a sponsor and go back to Steubenville but to help the youth become closer to God.

Day 8- Mary is God's instrument. He uses her in ways that we cannot explain. We are instruments as well. God uses us to bring others to Him. I see can see that God uses my friends to bring me closer to Him. Some have told me that I bring them closer to God by listening to my story. I never thought that I could not do that but it is an awesome feeling to have knowing that someone is closer to Him because of you. Be God's instrument. Let Him use you to bring others closer to Him.

Day 9- What a beautiful day! I woke up this morning and went to Mass for the Imaculate Conception. This was a great way to start my day. Today is also the day that I Consecrated myself to Mary. I know some of you quessed what I did but I was making it a surprise for everyone. Today I start a new life without worring about the future and it is a great feeling. Thank you for everyone who has been there for me through everything. I wouldn't be here without you. Have a blessed day 

All of these are from doing my readings from St. Maxamillian Kolbe's Consecration to Mary. i don't know how often I will write a post but I will try to keep you updated with what is going on. Thank you for reading.

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